Roman Emperors
Bust of Julius Caesar - 3D PrintVendor:Museum Shop ItalyBestsellers
Bust of Julius Caesar - 3D Print
- Regular price
- $28.72 USD
Marble bust of the Roman Emperor TiberiusVendor:Museum Shop ItalyBestsellers
Marble bust of the Roman Emperor Tiberius
- Regular price
- $50.51 USD
Bronze Bust of Roman Emperor AugustusVendor:Museum Shop ItalyAeroporto
Bronze Bust of Roman Emperor Augustus
- Regular price
- $663.82 USD
Caracalla Roman Emperor - Marble bustVendor:Museum Shop ItalyAeroporto
Caracalla Roman Emperor - Marble bust
- Regular price
- $50.51 USD
A Journey into Ancient Rome
Bring the history of the Roman Empire with you through our exclusive products!

Gladiators: heroes of Imperial Rome and idols of the arenas
The gladiators were among the most fascinating and controversial characters of imperial Rome. Originally prisoners of war, slaves or criminals, some of them managed to gain their freedom thanks to their fighting skills. The gladiators trained hard in the "ludus", specialized schools, where they were prepared for fights inside the arenas, such as the famous Colosseum. Their often bloody performances were a combination of skill, strength and spectacle that attracted thousands of spectators.
A curious aspect is that, despite the danger of the fighting, some free men volunteered to become gladiators, attracted by the fame and prestige that they could obtain. Gladiators were seen as popular heroes, and some of them became real idols of the crowds, with dedicated fans and, sometimes, even sponsors. Gladiator fights symbolized the strength, discipline and power of Rome, making these spectacles a pillar of Roman culture.