Quanti templi c'erano a Pompei?-Museum Shop Italy
"Though the temples of Pompeii may not have attained such precius splendour as the marble colonnades of the temples of the Imperial period, they still allow us to partecipate in the religious life of the city from the period of its obscure origins to the time of its tragic interment:
the Doric Temple of the Triangular Forum with the venerable relics of its capitals still following the severe archaic outlines of the temples of Magna Graecia and of Sicily;
the Temple of Apollo of the first Samnite age;
the Temple of Jupiter connected with the last projected plan of the Forum and reconsecrated as a temple and capitolium of the city by the Roman colonists;
the Temple of Venus, in all likelihood also to be attributed to the Sullan colony;
the admirable Sacrarium of Isis with its precious evidence of the onset of the worship of Egyptian deities in Campania;
the minute chapel of Zeus Meilichios a worship of Greek-Siceliote importation and, finally, temples of the Imperialform of worship: the Temple of the "Fortuna Augusta" and Vespasian."
"[...]  the venerable remains of a Doric Temple constructed, to judge by the few surviving architectural elements (three capitals with very flattened echinus) and the terracotta revetments foundin old and in very recent excavations, at the middle of the VI century B.C.: that is, during the period when Pompeii, though not a city of Greek foundation, was doubtless under the maritime hegemonyof Cumae and Neapolis. Originally the temple was dedicated to Hercules, the Greek hero who, according to the legend, was the founder of the city; later on, Athena too was worshipped there."

"The Temple of Apollo, in an area enclosed by a portico of 48 columns; the cella, raised in a high podium, is surrounded by a Corinthian colonnade, with six columns to the front. A travertine ara stands atthe foot of the temple steps and to one side there is a sundial upon a Phrygian marble pillar, placed there at the expense of the duumviri L. Sepunius and M. Erennius. The original temple of the Samnite period was profoundly modified under Nero: the capitals and elements of the entablature received a finer but precious stucco revetment. The statue of Apollo, against the third column of the portico to the left and the bust of Diana facing it (both deities represented as archers) are copies of the originals found on the site."

"The Temple of Jupiter was sacred to the Capitoline triad of Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, and, in fact, a colossal head of Jupiter was found there (now in Naples). The temple is of the Italic type: the wide cella with an internal colonnade stands upon a highnpodium with mouldings in the so-called "tuscanic" style, and is preceded by a deep pronaos enclosed by Corinthian columns. Seriously damaged by the time of the eruption in 79 A.D.. Facing the temple at the south end of the Forum were three large halls used as munhincipal buildings (Curia) i. e. the seat of the Duumviri, of the Aediles and of the Ordo Decurionum [...]"

"At the top of the hill, towards the south, lies the wide flat area of a temple enclosed by high walls in reticulate on two sides. It is the temple consecrated to the worship of Venus Pompeiana, as being the patroness of the city. Near to the unfortunately scanty remains of the primitive temple lie the heaps of half-prepared building materials which were to gave been employed in its last reconstruction, never effected owing to the eruption."

 "The Temple of Isis, almost entirely reconstructed after the earthquake of 62 A.D. at the expense of N. Popidius Celenius, is the best-preserved temple of the town and one of the best preserved sanctuaries consacrated to the cult of Isisof the ancient world. Its structure, decoration and sacred furniture were found in a perfect state of preservation, but the frescoes were dismembered and cut up and the sacred objects were removed, and are now to be found in one of the rooms of the Naples Museum. The sanctuary, surrounded by high walls, contains the temple on a high podium with a pronoas and a narrow rectangular cella, where the images, symbols and sacred instruments of the cult of Isis were displayed;"

"The little Temple of Zeus Meilichios on the corner of Via d'Iside and Via di Stabia was more modest. The epithet of the divinity (Zeus Meilichios) indicates a Greek cult of pre-Roman origin, almost surely imported from Sicily. Befor the temple is a large and beautiful altar in tufo; the remains of two capitals from the door-posts are in the same material. In the Roman period and after the aerthquake of 62 A.D., the little temple must have temporarily substituted the great temple of the Forum and housed the Capitoline triad: at least, this is to be inferred from the fact that great fictile statues of Jupiter and Juno and the bust of Minerva were found here (now in the Naples Museum).  

Pompei - Amedeo Maiuri

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